Water is a precious natural resource. It’s not something you want to pay for, just to throw it away! But if you’ve got a plumbing leak somewhere in your house, it’s probably just a slow drip, right? It can’t be wasting that much water.
That’s where you’re wrong! Even a minor plumbing leak can waste a shocking amount of water. How much? Let’s break it down.
Drops per Minute
Imagine a dripping faucet—although chances are, a plumbing leak in your home is coming from pipes, under cabinets or within walls, and not directly out a fixture. But this is the easiest way to get a mental picture. How often does a drop of water fall? Let’s look at a few different possibilities. Maybe it’s only once per minute. Maybe it’s five times per minute, about every twelve seconds. Or maybe it’s ten times per minute, still just once every six seconds.
Drops per Gallon
How quickly do those drops add up? The US Geological Survey has a handy tool to calculate. At just one drop per minute from just one leak in your home, you’re wasting one-tenth of a gallon of water per day, or thirty-five gallons per year. That’s seven of the large jugs usually used for workplace water coolers! And that’s the slowest possible leak we were considering.
At five drops per minute, your leak will waste half a gallon of water per day, and almost 174 gallons per year. At ten drops per minute, that’s just about a gallon a day, and 350 gallons per year. That’s several bathtubs full!
Wasted Water
According the Environmental Protection Agency, the average household is leaking far more than that. Imagine dripping from a loose fixture, dripping from pipes inside the walls, dripping from a water heater, dripping from a leaky garden hose, and even water seeping out from underground pipes below the home’s foundation. The estimated average is 10,000 gallons per household every year!
Wasted Money
Average water bills in the US vary enormously, with many households only paying $40–50 per month but others paying well over $100. The EPA calculates that American households use an average of 300 gallons of water per day, though, which means that the estimated waste is enough water for more than a month’s use! That’s a lot of money to throw away.
Water Damage
Water isn’t just a precious resource. It’s also a powerful force that can reshape entire landscapes. Water flowing unchecked through your home, or under your foundation, will do tremendous damage. Water damage remediation is expensive, with the average household paying thousands when they need this help. And while you’re trying to come up with all that money, your soggy home will be growing mold!
Catch Leaks Early
It’s always a good idea to get ahead of this waste by having a plumber assess your home for leaks. It’s particularly urgent if you notice spreading damp or stains, hot spots on walls or floors, high humidity in your home, cracks in your foundation, odd behavior from your water heater, or rising water bills. We’re always happy to help you with leaky plumbing in Kerrville, TX!
Contact D’Spain Sales & Service to talk to a member of our team.