D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Exploring the Technology Behind VRV Systems: How Do They Work?

Monday, July 3rd, 2023


While new homes built in the US have generally been constructed with central air conditioning in mind since the 1970s, HVAC technology has not stood still since then. There have been many advances and new technologies created in the last fifty years.

Now, as a homeowner and not an HVAC professional, you don’t need to know the nitty gritty details of how every type of air conditioning system works. But it can be helpful to learn a little bit about some of the possibilities that exist these days. Knowing about options like VRV can help you choose a new air conditioner that will keep you cooler at a lower operating cost.

“Wait, what is VRV?” We’re so glad you asked…

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Signs That Your AC Compressor Needs Repair

Monday, June 5th, 2023


Your air conditioner’s compressor is like the heart of the whole system. It pressurizes the refrigerant that runs through the coils, keeping it flowing so it can absorb heat from your home and then release that heat outdoors. Because the job it does is so critical, and because it is such an expensive component, keeping your compressor in good condition is your top AC priority.

If something goes wrong with your air conditioner that could put additional strain on the compressor, it needs to be repaired immediately. So what are the things that can damage your compressor, and how will you know if they happen? Here are some things to be aware of.

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Ways You Can Lower Your Need for AC Repairs This Summer

Monday, May 8th, 2023


Needing to get your air conditioner repaired during the summer is no fun, especially if it’s the middle of a heat wave and your AC has stopped functioning entirely.

While we’re happy to come fix air conditioners at any time of year, we also want our customers to be as happy as possible, and that means keeping air conditioners running, not just fixing them when they break.

We’ve got some great advice about how to make sure your air conditioner runs smoothly all summer with as few problems as possible. 

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AC Maintenance Is a Critical Job for Spring, and Here’s Why

Monday, April 24th, 2023


There’s nothing we like in Texas more than an air conditioner breakdown during a heatwave in July.

Wait, what’s that you’re saying? You don’t actually want your air conditioner to fail in the middle of the summer? You want to have your home be a cool, comfortable sanctuary all summer long? Then why haven’t you scheduled AC maintenance yet?

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Airflow Maintenance: Why Air Filters Are So Important for ACs

Monday, March 27th, 2023


Your AC unit has an air filter to catch particles like dust, grit, and pet hair and prevent them from getting into the components of the unit. You can imagine that a motor or a fan would not work as well if it was caked with a layer of lint. But when that layer builds up on the air filter, it needs to be changed. A dirty air filter can be almost as bad for an air conditioner as no air filter at all, because in order to work, your AC unit needs good airflow.

What can happen to your air conditioner if it doesn’t have enough air flowing through it? Once you read about all the potential problems, you’ll be sure to clean your air filter regularly so you can avoid them.

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What to Do While Waiting for AC Repairs

Monday, September 12th, 2022

man-feeling-hot-in-front-of-fanIt’s best to avoid major problems with your air conditioner by scheduling regular maintenance. That way, minor issues can be cleared up before they cause your AC unit to stop working.

But sometimes, an air conditioner suffers a sudden major malfunction. It may refuse to work at all, or it may be exhibiting symptoms that indicate it’s best to keep it turned off for safety reasons or to avoid making the problem worse until you can get air conditioning repair in Spring Branch, TX.

D’Spain Sales and Service does have excellent emergency air conditioner repair, available 24/7, and ideally your unit will be up and running again within a few hours. But occasionally a problem does take longer to resolve if, for example, an unusual part has to be ordered. If you’re going to be without air conditioning for a day or longer during a stretch of hot weather, there are some things you can do to increase your comfort in the meantime.

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Our Guide to Changing Your Air Filter Seasonally

Monday, August 15th, 2022

portable-air-conditionerAlthough the vast majority of American households have air conditioning, not everyone is confident in or knowledgeable about basic maintenance. If you’re not sure what to do to keep your air conditioner running at its best, that’s okay! You’re in good company. Many people could use a little help to get started. 

When air conditioners are inefficient or not working properly, the simplest solution is often the right one: change your air filter. Have you ever done that? Do you know how often it should be done? Follow our step-by-step guide and get that air conditioner back to peak performance.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is happy to help with anything related to air conditioner repair in Boerne, TX 

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Stay Cool and Content on the Fourth of July!

Monday, July 4th, 2022

Happy fourth! At the time of writing this blog post, we’re expecting sunshine and high temperatures on Independence Day, but that can absolutely change. As you all probably know, the weather is not 100% predictable!

If things go as planned, we’re sure you’re going to have a blast grilling some yummy foods, playing some tunes, and soaking up some much-needed sunshine. Though, if things get too hot, it’s always nice to have your indoor air conditioning unit on full blast so you can take a break from the almost 100-degree weather every now and then.

As your local HVAC professional, we specialize in AC repair in Bulverde and beyond. In order for your air conditioner to function properly without a hitch this holiday, we recommend you take a few steps to ease the burden on the system and keep things running smoothly. Here are just a few tips you can use to stay cool and comfy this fourth.

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Ice on Your AC Is a Bad Sign!

Monday, June 20th, 2022

Ice in your freezer is usually a good sign, especially if you’ve got an ice maker or a few sets of ice cube trays. They’re perfect for those summer drinks that keep you cool and comfortable. However, ice in other areas of your home is usually a bad sign, particularly when it comes to your air conditioner. Your AC isn’t a freezer, and it’s not supposed to cool things down to 32°F or below. If it does, then you’ll start to notice some pretty severe problems that we’ll get to down below.

We want to start this blog post by pointing you in the right direction. If you do have ice growing on your air conditioning system, we urge you to call our team for air conditioning repair in Helotes. Our team can get to work fixing the problem and ensuring that the cool air doesn’t get caught growing ice, and is instead sent through your air ducts where it belongs.

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Our Guide to the 5 Main Components of an AC

Monday, June 6th, 2022

Have you ever looked at your air conditioner’s outdoor cabinet and wondered what the heck could be inside of it? Well, those days are gone, since we’re going to go out of our way today to explain some of the most important components of an air conditioning system. From the compressor to the blower fan, we’ll talk about some of the main categories of parts that make up the inside of your air conditioning technology, and we’ll even talk about what you can do when you encounter a problem.

Knowledge is power, and we believe that the more our customers know about their cooling technology, the better off they’ll be in the future. When you encounter a problem down the line, you’ll be able to direct a professional technician to the exact place where you believe the problem is coming from, due to your extensive knowledge of air conditioning in Boerne!

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