D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

AC Refrigerant: What You Need to Know

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

If you haven’t been paying attention to the world of air conditioners, and if you’ve got a social life you probably haven’t, there have been some major changes to the science and understanding of AC refrigerant. Don’t worry, we’re not here to chastise you for not reading the latest Refrigerants Weekly magazine. We’re your neighborhood HVAC specialist here to give you the facts in case you’re looking at upgrading your air conditioning in Boerne, TX.

You’ve probably heard of the term Freon before. However, you probably haven’t heard about the R-22 phase-out which could impact your AC costs in the near future. Depending on the chemical composition of your air conditioner’s refrigerant, it could be extremely harmful to the environment and end up costing you an extraordinarily large amount of money in the near future. We can make this process as simple and easy to understand as possible, to make your next AC choice an informed one.

So pay close attention!

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No, No, No, Don’t Wait to Schedule Your AC Repairs

Monday, August 5th, 2019

service-timeDuring the summer season, who’s a greater friend to you than your air conditioner? We are willing to bet that there isn’t anyone who does as great a job keeping you cool and comfortable! Therefore, if something goes wrong with your AC, you want to take care of it as soon as possibleyou wouldn’t want to lose your BFF!

We totally understand why many homeowners are tempted to wait until the end of summer to schedule their AC repairs, but trust us, waiting to schedule until the end of the season is the LAST thing you want to do. Keep reading below, and we’ll tell you why.

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Heat Pumps Are the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

Sliced bread is pretty neat, huh? It’s perfect for all sorts of savory sandwiches—

Wait, this isn’t a blog about bread? Fine. We are happy to tell you all about heat pumps too!

Heat pumps are becoming quite popular all over the country—and for good reason! They’re efficient, effective, and can provide year-round comfort with just the flip of a switch (but more on that later!) In fact, there are just so many reasons why we think you should consider installing a heat pump in your home, and below, we have listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more.

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Yes, Your Ductless System Needs Repairs Too

Monday, July 8th, 2019

Owning a ductless system certainly comes with its benefits—these systems are efficient, effective, and can provide year-round comfort with just the flip of a switch! Plus, they take up very little space, making them the perfect fit for homeowners whose homes lack the space for ductwork. But no matter how great your ductless system is, eventually, it is going to require repairs.

Ductless systems come with their own set of unique repair needs, and actually, there are quite a number of issues that your system may face at some point or another. Therefore, we have listed some of these unique repairs for you below. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more. And remember, if you’ve got a problem with your ductless system, do not hesitate to schedule your air conditioning repair in Boerne, TX with a professional!

Okay now, keep reading!

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Say Hello to a Brand New Thermostat!

Monday, June 24th, 2019

smart-thermostatsSummer is on its way, which means that now is the perfect time to start making your summertime shopping list. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Fresh fruit salad
  • Sunscreen
  • Firecrackers
  • Pool noodles
  • Barbeque sauce
  • Ice pops
  • A new thermostat

—Wait, did someone say a new thermostat? That’s right: we did! Installing a brand new thermostat in your home is a great way to enjoy a more comfortable and efficient summer. And in case you are not yet convinced, we have listed just some of the ways upgrading your thermostat will benefit you. Keep reading below to find out more! 

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Is it Time to Say ‘Goodbye’ to Your Old AC?

Monday, April 15th, 2019

cooling-off-with-fanWe understand that saying goodbye isn’t always easy. However, sometimes saying goodbye is good and much-needed, and this is especially the case if you are operating an older or outdated air conditioning system. Let’s face it: summer here in Texas is quite hot and you deserve to own a system that is going to keep you and your family cool and comfortable all season long. Besides, you have plenty of other things to worry about during the summer, like finding the best ice cream shop in town.

Of course, only a professional HVAC technician can determine whether or not it is time to replace your AC. But in the meantime, we’ve listed some of the signs that it is time for a replacement. Keep reading below to find out more. 

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Beware of These AC Repairs

Monday, April 1st, 2019

outdoor-ac-unitCongratulations, Texans! We made it through yet another mild, but chilly winter! This means that summer is well underway, and already, temperatures have been climbing well into the 70s! Surely, we can expect to be turning on our air conditioners sometime soon, and perhaps many of you already have. You depend on your AC all summer long to keep you and your family cool and comfortable, but what happens when something goes wrong?

Every now and again, your AC is going to require repairs. Scheduling your AC repair at the first sign of an issue is the best way to prevent further problems from developing, so it is important to be aware of some of the most common issues ACs experience over the summer. Below, we have listed just some of the issues you may notice when you turn your system on this summer. Keep reading to find out more. 

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End of Summer AC Repair Problems

Monday, October 1st, 2018

question-markIt’s technically the end of summer, so doesn’t that mean we should be firing up our heaters and breaking out the hot chocolate? Well, not quite… Texas has a few more weeks to go before temperatures really start dropping.

But that means now’s a great time to take a look at your air conditioner and have it tuned up if needed. Better to look at it now than to find out next year, just before summer, that you desperately need a repair.

Before you shut off your AC for the season, make sure it isn’t suffering from one of the silent issues listed below.

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Why Is My AC Making That Noise?

Monday, August 6th, 2018

covering-earsAs long as your air conditioner is up and running, you may think that everything is hunky dory.  Hey, as long as it’s pumping out that sweet, sweet cool air, right. What? That sound? No, it hasn’t always been doing that, but I’m not too worried. After all, it’s still up and running. So no big deal, right?


Yes, your air conditioner is going to make some noise as it cools your home. No, your air conditioner should not be getting louder and louder or making new, exciting sounds that you’ve never heard before. As a general rule, you’ll want to let a trained professional know when your AC starts to make any sounds that are out of the usual, even if it’s just a louder variation on a fairly normal theme.

Believe it or not, these strange sounds are among the most common of all warning signs that you may need professional air conditioning repair in Spring Branch, TX.

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VRV vs. VRF: What’s the Difference?

Monday, June 25th, 2018

question-markFor some homeowners, simply knowing how to adjust their thermostats to successfully regulate temperatures throughout their homes is really all they need to know in terms of their air conditioning systems. We believe that it is beneficial for homeowners to have a better understanding of their systems than this, however. No, you don’t need to be an expert on the subject. Having some background information to draw from can prove to be very helpful, though, especially when the time comes to start researching a new system.

In today’s post, we are going to examine the differences between VRV, or variable refrigerant volume, and VRF, or variable refrigerant flow systems. Here’s a bit of a preview—they are essentially the same! This type of technology allows home and commercial property owners to take greater control than ever before over the way in which different rooms and areas of their properties are cooled (and, in the case of heat pump systems, heated).

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