D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

3 Qualities of a Reliable AC Repair Service

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

air-conditioning-maintenanceFall is the season for air conditioning repair in this part of the world. Temperatures are finally lowering to the point where you no longer need your system every day to keep cool, and any lingering problems you may have been forced to wait on can now be handled safely. If your air conditioner has been acting strange, you should immediately turn it off and call for a repair service. Now that the cooling season is over, a maintenance session can be performed to correct any damage that may have taken place over the summer. But which service do you call?

Every HVAC service can provide the basics, but you want one that’s going to not only correct the problem the right way, but will do so in the most effective manner possible. Ultimately, only you can determine which service will do the best job for you. However, there are a few qualities you can look for that will help you separate the best from the also-rans.

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Signs that You Need Central AC Repair

Monday, September 4th, 2017

air-conditioning-repairWe’re getting to the end of air conditioning season, but we still have a few weeks of warm weather to go. The last thing you want to deal with is a breakdown at the end of cooling season. Sadly, breakdowns tend to take place more often at this time of year, when your AC has been running for months on end and little issues have had a chance to grow.

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How to Lower Monthly Cooling Costs

Monday, August 21st, 2017

air-conditioner-upgradesSummers in our neck of the woods are stiflingly hot, and a good air conditioner can be your best friend when it comes to keeping your home cool and comfortable. Indeed, when the temperatures soar during a heat wave, your air conditioner can be as important as your plumbing and electricity, and can prevent active health risks to sensitive family members.

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How to Tell If You Should Replace an Older Air Conditioner

Monday, July 31st, 2017

air-conditioning-replacementNo one likes to think about an air conditioning breakdown in the middle of the summer, but it can happen: especially if the system is older or has been struggling for a while. A qualified repair service can address the issue properly, but it usually results in a tough choice: does the homeowner pay for repairs and keep moving forward with the older system, or is this breakdown a sign that the air conditioner needs to be replaced with a newer one? Only the individual homeowner can answer that question. However, we have a few guidelines you should consider to make that process easier.

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Businesses Benefit from Rooftop Commercial AC

Monday, July 24th, 2017

rooftop-commercial-acTexas summers are hot and brutal, which means air conditioners are an absolute necessity on a daily basis. Indeed, they’re as important to your home as plumbing and electricity during the hot summer months, and the same is doubly true if you’re operating a business or managing an office space. Most of us spend the bulk of our days at an office, a retail business, an industrial site, or a school, all of which require commercial AC systems to function. The loss of power in such a system can devastate your operations: driving away customers, sending employees home and grinding productivity to a halt. In the worst cases, they can even damage vital equipment like computer systems.

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Now Is The Time for Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, June 26th, 2017

air-conditioning-maintenanceSummer has officially begun, and with it, we’ll be hit by another long season of sky-high temperatures and sweltering humidity. You’re going to need your air conditioner to respond all day every day in some cases, and when trouble comes, it tends to come at the worst possible time. If you haven’t had your air conditioner serviced in the last twelve months, now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment. You’ll be able to reap the benefits all summer long.

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Zone Control Systems Can Benefit Your A/C

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

Spring is here and chances are you’re already using your air conditioner on a regular basis. That usage will only grow as the warm weather turns hot, and soon enough you’ll be running it every day. A good maintenance session from a trained technician can do wonders for your system. But if you want something more substantive to help cut into high summer cooling bills, consider the benefits of a zone control system. What is it and how can it help? Read on for the answers.

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3 Ways to Lower Air Conditioning Costs This Summer

Monday, April 17th, 2017

family-in-front-of-houseSummer is on its way, and temperatures in our neck of the woods are already climbing. Soon enough, you’ll be running your air conditioning system every day, and that invariably means paying higher monthly energy costs. But just because you’re paying more to run your AC this summer, that doesn’t mean you should pay more than is necessary. By improving your home’s energy efficiency, you can cut into those bills while still maintaining comfortable temperatures for your family to enjoy.

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Why Are Air Conditioning Power Levels Important?

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

Spring is the time for new air conditioning installation, as old systems wear out and homeowners look to replace them before the start of summer. The tactic makes a lot of sense, since it allows you to take advantage of improved performance and efficiency the moment the temperature starts to spike in the summer months. We tend to see a lot of air conditioning replacement calls this time of year, and can help you select a new unit to fit your home’s needs.

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What Does Frost on Your AC Coils Mean?

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

Spring is here, which means that warmer temperatures have arrived and you’re probably making more use of your air conditioner in order to keep your home comfortable. That trend will continue as spring turns to summer, and any unusual activity with your air conditioner needs to be addressed now, before the mercury in the thermometer rises too high.

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