D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

The Benefits of Rain Water Collection

Monday, May 1st, 2017

storm-lightning-strikeWe deal with a lot of rural clients in our part of Texas, most of which rely on well water or similar sources for their water supply. That can work well, and enterprising homeowners know how to keep such plumbing systems maintained. But wells are subject to the forces of drought and groundwater contamination far more than civic water supplies.

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How to Prevent Freezing Pipes

Monday, October 17th, 2016

With cold temperatures comes a whole new host of potential issues for your Boerne, TX home. That can include freezing water in your pipes, which will clog up the plumbing system at best and could result in burst pipes at worst. Burst pipes can be particularly damaging if they occur while you are away for the holidays, and could go for days or weeks before being detected. Now is the perfect time to prepare for freezing pipes, and make sure they don’t bedevil you this winter.

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The Benefits of Pressure Tanks

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Many homes in the Bandera, TX area operate off of the civic grid, which means they use well water and similar private sources to feed their home. That means you need to attend to any issues or problems with it yourself, which often includes water pressure. Low pressure is a common complain for well water, both because the pumps involved are suffering from problems and form issues inherent in the well itself.

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Improve Your Self-Sufficiency with Upgrades to Your Plumbing

Sunday, June 12th, 2016

Bandera, TX is full of independent folks, like a lot of places in our great state. We come from a long line of frontiersmen, and self-sufficiency is something we pride ourselves on. Believe it or not, that can translate to specific aspects of your household, such as the plumbing and electrical systems. If you get your water from a private well or similar source off of the civic water system, there are a number of things you can do to help maintain that independence. We’ve broken down a couple of them for your perusal below.

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Look into the Benefits of Rainwater Collection

Monday, April 25th, 2016

Kerrville, TX residents pride themselves on self-sufficiency, and in rural parts of the area may depend on wells and other sources for their household water supply. This is in keeping with the hard-won independence of the area, but it does put some burdens on the homeowner to keep their systems running. You also need to have an ace in the hole in the event of a drought or if your well water becomes contaminated. Rainwater collection is an excellent way to do that: capturing, storing and purifying rainwater for proper use in your home. Here’s a quick breakdown of how the system works.

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Why Insulate Water Pipes?

Monday, August 17th, 2015

You may be thinking, isn’t it a little early to be talking about insulating anything? After all, insulation is usually reserved for winter problems, not summer ones. The thing is, insulation for your home and its components is important on a year-round basis, not just for the winter months. And the same goes for your home’s water pipes.

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