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No Heating Services Are DIY Appropriate

We expect that many of you have found yourselves browsing DIY websites for hours on end in search of fun, creative projects you can do at home. Certainly, you can build yourself a new centerpiece or even paint an old coffee table, but there are some projects that are better left to the professionals.

Attempting to service your heater yourself is not something that we would ever recommend. Sure, you can do a quick Google search and likely find hundreds of links to “how-to’s,” tips, and tricks.  However, there are just some skills that you can’t master simply by watching a video or reading an article. Your heater is extremely complex, and only a well-trained, experienced HVAC technician can correctly and safely service your system. Now we can bet that some of you are still saying to yourselves, “I can handle it,” which is why we have prepared a list of reasons why no heating services in Bulverde are DIY appropriate. 

Don’t DIY Because…

You might misdiagnose the issue

In order to properly service a heater, the problem must first be accurately diagnosed. Since many symptoms have a variety of potential causes, diagnosing the issue can be quite tricky. Many homeowners lack the skills and experience necessary to pinpoint the source of a problem, therefore they make assumptions based on what they read online, similar to how many of us use medical websites to diagnose ourselves with some outlandish diseases. When homeowners assume the cause of the problem, they run the risk of “fixing” the wrong part, leading to an even costlier repair bill. Sometimes an attempt to save money could end up costing you more. Get it right the first time by calling in a professional.

You don’t own the right tools

Heater repairs require specialized tools to correctly diagnose and repair the problem. The average homeowner likely does not own the same tools that a professional carries. Without the right tools, you could end up doing more damage to your heater. In addition, the tools you can find in your local hardware store are not capable of fixing complex heater issues. HVAC technicians have vans stocked full of professional equipment to ensure the job is done correctly.

You might lose your warranty

When you have a warranty on your heater, you are making a deal to schedule regular maintenance with an HVAC company. If you cause damage to your system while attempting to self-service it, you will likely lose your warranty. That means that when something goes wrong in the future, you’ll be stuck paying the full price of the repair. Scheduling your services with a professional will allow you to avoid this issue altogether.

You could risk your own safety

There are many dangers to be wary of if you were to attempt DIY heating services. First, heaters require high voltage electricity to run. If you do not know what you are doing, you will get hurt. Secondly, you run the risk of exposing a gas line. Gas is highly flammable and should only be handled by a professional who is specifically trained to handle dangerous situations.

Don’t attempt to service your heater yourself. Instead, contact the pros at D’Spain Sales & Service, Inc.

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