D'Spain Sales and Service Blog

Should You Use Over-the-Counter Parts for Quick Electrical Fixes?

December 7th, 2020

This is an issue we run into all the time. With the rise of the internet as a resource for people to perform DIY improvements on their homes, more and more people have started purchasing over the counter electrical components to try fixing things themselves. After all, learning something new can be fun, and it can be an interesting journey coming to understand how your electrical system works and how you can fix it. Well, it can also be an expensive journey that can break your heart and leave you stressed out as well.

Many homeowners who are approaching DIY work should just cut their losses and call an electrician. Boerne is full of old homes with electrical systems that are out of date and sometimes dangerous. Buying over-the-counter parts and trying to attempt a fix yourself could result in one of many problems we’re about to mention.

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3 Ways a Warranty Helps Your Heater

November 23rd, 2020

Heater warranties are worth their weight in gold these days. We’re not kidding, they can be worth thousands of dollars whenever you run into an issue, and they are the object of envy for any homeowner that doesn’t have one. Think about it—what’s better than a service like a manufacturer’s warranty that will pay for any repairs or services within a specific time-frame?

Well, we’d like to highlight some of the lesser-known benefits of heater warranties. Aside from the abundant amount of money you usually save when you sign up for a heater installation that comes with a warranty, there are some other qualities of life improvements that come from warranties. Our job is to inform you about how a warranty can help with heating repair in Boerne, and why you should always work with a professional to keep your system’s warranty as long as possible!

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Does Your Well Water Plumbing System Need Help?

November 9th, 2020

Plumbing systems come in all shapes and sizes. This means that you’ll need professional help in dealing with a problem that comes from your particular plumbing system. Having just a “general knowledge” in plumbing isn’t going to cut it when you’re dealing with a leak or some sort of water contamination issue.

Today, we’re going to talk about two main things. The first point we’ll cover is how to tell if your well water plumbing system needs help. By using our expertise and experience as your go-to plumber in Boerne, TX, we can help you know when to call for a professional. Secondly, we’ll talk about why we’re the best-suited team to get at your plumbing issue and keep you happy and comfortable well into the future.

Well, what are you waiting for? Keep reading!

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What’s That Smell?

October 26th, 2020

It’s furnace season! While many homeowners utilize electric heating solutions, the vast majority of homes in the United States use natural-gas powered furnaces. This is good news, since gas-burning furnaces are becoming increasingly efficient and effective at keeping homes comfortable during the coldest of winters.

So, let’s say you just dusted off your heater and turned it on—only to be greeted with some rank smell. What does that mean? Should you panic? Well, when you’ve got the experts on the case for furnace service in Boerne, there’s no need to panic.

We’re going to talk about all of the things that a bad-smelling furnace could signify, and if they’re dangerous or potentially harmful, we’ll be sure to let you know. If you’re concerned about the safety of your home, make sure you call our team or the fire department to ensure that safety is the number one priority!

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Kick Your Heater Into Gear with 5 Easy Tips

October 12th, 2020

It’s that time of year again. Air conditioning season has come to a close and it’s time for heating season. But what exactly does that mean for you?

Sure, you might need to start thinking about your heater. You might see your fuel bill for your heater start to crop its head up while your energy bill dwindles down, but is that really something that should concern you so much that you’d read a blog post about it? Probably not.

What’s important is the status and condition of your heater here in Texas. If you need a maintenance appointment or heating repair in Bulverde, then this is the perfect time to get it done. Temperatures at night will start to get chilly, and you’ll be left frustrate and uncomfortable if your heater breaks down again. It’s time to avoid that by being proactive.

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Rebates and Credits: Our Guide to Water Heater Savings

September 28th, 2020

There’s a solid fact when it comes to homeowning in the 21st century. Every home needs a water heater. Now, you might take that as a negative since it can be added to the never-ending list of expenses that you’ll spend your hard-earned money on. Or you can take that as a positive, since a necessity like a water heater might lead to rebates and credits that you should definitely take advantage of.

Water heaters in Boerne, TX are not a luxury, they’re a necessity. That’s why there are usually plenty of credits and rebates to take advantage of if you can look hard enough and invest in an energy efficient water heater.

Does it all sound complicated to you? Don’t worry—keep reading and we’ll make sure to spell it out in plain English.

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Let’s Talk About Your AC Warranty

September 21st, 2020

This is a magic word in the HVAC industry. When we say “warranty,” we often see homeowners’ eyes light up with excitement as it usually equates to savings and peace of mind. We understand why, having someone else pay for all the repairs and maintenance for a system while it’s under warranty is an amazing feeling.

However, if you’re one of our many customers out there who are still looking to reach that warranty stage of owning an AC, keep reading. We’re going to talk about why warranties are so important when it comes to air conditioning in Boerne, TX. We’ll discuss things you should always avoid and best practices to keep your warranty as long as possible and allow your wallet to reap the benefits.

Warranties are amazing tools for keeping AC systems in good shape. Sign up with us and take a look at the warranties we offer!

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Noises and Nuisances: Sounds that Signal AC Repair

August 31st, 2020

Close your eyes, and imagine a serene summer day. The birds are chirping, you’ve got a nice cup of coffee and a book, and everything seems right with the world. Until the neighbor revs up their lawnmower to bring a loud crash to your morning meditation.

Sounds that are unexpected and prolonged can often be irritating. This goes double for your air conditioner because a noise usually indicates that something is wrong. Anxiety, panic, and depression can usually set in when you hear your AC make a noise, because it could be a bad sign for your wallet.

Calm down. We’re the experts on air conditioning in Kerrville, TX and we’re here to tell you that it’s going to be okay. Take a look below to see the usual suspects of AC noises and how we can help.

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Is There a Problem with Your Indoor Lighting?

August 17th, 2020

Indoor lights are so much more important than many homeowners give them credit for. If you spend time around a set of lights for the majority of your day, it’s vital that those lights operate as they should. The moment you start trying to read in the dark because your house lights keep malfunctioning, flickering, burning out, or succumbing to another problem, you need professional help.

Any electrician in Fredericksburg, TX will tell you that diagnosing problems and repairing indoor lighting is not something that just anyone can do. It takes a certified, licensed electrician to be able to handle such a task. All we ask homeowners in our area to think about is that their flickering or malfunctioning lights do not have to be normal. We can provide sensible solutions and targeted repairs that will make your indoor lighting feel comfortable and reliable.

Keep reading as we talk about what some of those fixes could be.

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3 Things to Remember When Getting AC Installation

August 3rd, 2020

Air conditioner installation is a huge decision. It’s usually an investment that requires a lot of money and can be for a long-term solution. Anyone who has ever bought a car or a house knows how difficult these decisions can be. That’s why it’s important to have all the facts when diving into air conditioner installation.

Before you call up your local expert for air conditioning installation in Boerne, TX take a step back. Central air conditioners are not the only systems out there. Not only that, but they’re also dependant on air ducts in your home. Do you have air ducts that are in good enough quality to be used by a central AC unit?

Keep reading. We’ll get into three important things to think about before you call for air conditioner installation services. It’s always better to be well informed when making a decision like this.

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