D'Spain Sales and Service Blog

End of Summer AC Repair Problems

October 1st, 2018

question-markIt’s technically the end of summer, so doesn’t that mean we should be firing up our heaters and breaking out the hot chocolate? Well, not quite… Texas has a few more weeks to go before temperatures really start dropping.

But that means now’s a great time to take a look at your air conditioner and have it tuned up if needed. Better to look at it now than to find out next year, just before summer, that you desperately need a repair.

Before you shut off your AC for the season, make sure it isn’t suffering from one of the silent issues listed below.

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It’s Only a Matter of Time—Is Your Heater Tuned Up?

September 17th, 2018

furnace-serviceWe know, we know.  Temperatures are still pretty warm out there. Many homeowners are still, undoubtedly, running their home cooling systems. Yet here we are introducing a heating topic already. What gives?

Well, as we said in the title, it’s only a matter of time. What’s only a matter of time? The drop in temperatures, that’s what!

Sure, it is going to be a while before daytime temperatures approach anything that you’d consider “chilly.” But what about nighttime temperatures? We’re already looking at the low 60’s. Soon it’ll be the upper 50’s, and they’ll only drop from there. And, remember, heating maintenance is a preventative measure. You’re supposed to be scheduling it before you need to put your heater back into regular rotation!

So today, as we’ve done before, we are going to walk you through some of the reasons why a professional heating tune-up is so necessary. And remember, you definitely want to be scheduling your heating tune-up in Bandera, TX with experienced, qualified technicians—like us!

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3 Electrical Upgrades for Your Home

September 3rd, 2018

plugWe get it—we do not really give our electrical system all that much attention. Electricity is a very, very normal part of our everyday lives, and it gets easier and easier to overlook anything’s importance the more accustomed we become to its benefits. Just because your electrical system is functional, however, does not mean that is optimal. That is why we are happy to offer a number of different electrical services that can help you to upgrade your existing system.

Does that mean pulling every wire out of your home and then replacing it with newer materials? Well, no, though that is an option and, in some cases, a necessity. There are plenty of other options for electrical upgrades that can make a major difference in the way that you use your system, though, and, in some cases, they can make your home a lot safer, too! So keep the following tips in mind, and hire our electricians in Kerrville, TX to have the job done right.

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How to Prepare Your Plumbing for Summer

August 20th, 2018

plumbing-iconsIf you peruse online articles regarding the protection of residential plumbing systems, you’ll probably notice that there is a seasonal shift in focus once the winter months begin to approach. “How to Keep Pipes from Bursting this Winter,” “Preventing Frozen Pipes,” and so on. However, we here in Texas deal with more extreme summer heat than we do winter cold. That is why we’re reclaiming the seasonal plumbing topics for ourselves, and putting a hot-weather spin on them!

So let’s take a look at some of the ways in which you can prepare your plumbing system for the summer season, shall we? (And yes, we are aware of the date. But usable knowledge never goes out of date, right?) As always, we are standing by to answer any questions that you may have, so feel free to reach out for answers or to schedule any plumbing services that you may need. When you’re after a great plumber in Helotes, TX, ours is the number to call!

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Why Is My AC Making That Noise?

August 6th, 2018

covering-earsAs long as your air conditioner is up and running, you may think that everything is hunky dory.  Hey, as long as it’s pumping out that sweet, sweet cool air, right. What? That sound? No, it hasn’t always been doing that, but I’m not too worried. After all, it’s still up and running. So no big deal, right?


Yes, your air conditioner is going to make some noise as it cools your home. No, your air conditioner should not be getting louder and louder or making new, exciting sounds that you’ve never heard before. As a general rule, you’ll want to let a trained professional know when your AC starts to make any sounds that are out of the usual, even if it’s just a louder variation on a fairly normal theme.

Believe it or not, these strange sounds are among the most common of all warning signs that you may need professional air conditioning repair in Spring Branch, TX.

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Beware of These Air Quality Issues Inside Your Home!

July 23rd, 2018

relaxing-on-couchWhen you think of the summer in Texas, you think of heat. That makes sense—it’s hot out there! So, most homeowners place a major focus on keeping their homes cool and comfortable during the summer season. This is, of course, very important. If you think that this is all it takes to live comfortably in your home throughout the summer season, however, think again. Indoor air quality is also very important, and it is a year-round concern.

The good news is that we don’t just excel in all services related to air conditioning in Bandera, TX, but in those designed to boost indoor air quality in your home, as well. A lot of people mistakenly believe that the air quality in their homes is inherently better than that outside—and a big mistake this is. In fact, the air quality in your home is not only possibly, but likely, worse than that outside. So read on, and be sure to contact a member of our team if you are concerned about your indoor air quality.

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Common Heat Pump Problems: What to Watch Out For

July 9th, 2018

service-timeWe service a pretty heat pump-heavy market in this area, which makes a lot of sense. Our winter weather is quite mild and generally quite manageable for the heat pump’s method of heating (meaning the transfer of heat through a refrigerant cycle). While we do deal with many dual-fuel systems that incorporate propane into the equation, there are plenty of homeowners out there that are solely dependent upon their heat pumps for year-round comfort.

That is precisely why any problems with one’s heat pump are of such concern. When a heat pump fails, it can have a serious effect on your comfort regardless of what time of the year it may be. By scheduling prompt repair services, you can limit any potential damages to your heat pump while also limiting the duration of any disruption to your comfort. We excel in all manner of AC repair in Castroville, TX, and we’ve got a few tips to help you spot trouble with your heat pump.

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VRV vs. VRF: What’s the Difference?

June 25th, 2018

question-markFor some homeowners, simply knowing how to adjust their thermostats to successfully regulate temperatures throughout their homes is really all they need to know in terms of their air conditioning systems. We believe that it is beneficial for homeowners to have a better understanding of their systems than this, however. No, you don’t need to be an expert on the subject. Having some background information to draw from can prove to be very helpful, though, especially when the time comes to start researching a new system.

In today’s post, we are going to examine the differences between VRV, or variable refrigerant volume, and VRF, or variable refrigerant flow systems. Here’s a bit of a preview—they are essentially the same! This type of technology allows home and commercial property owners to take greater control than ever before over the way in which different rooms and areas of their properties are cooled (and, in the case of heat pump systems, heated).

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Beware of These Air Quality Issues Inside Your Home!

June 11th, 2018

mold-sporesWhen it comes to air quality, most people in the Texas Hill Country keep a close eye on exterior mold, pollen, cedar, and ragweed levels. Indoor air quality (IAQ), however, is an even more pressing issue as pollutant levels can be up to 100 times higher in your home. Most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, and that percentage is even greater for people with allergies or other respiratory conditions. Given that, these are the most important air quality issues you need to be aware of.

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What to Do If Your AC Freezes Up

May 28th, 2018

outdoor-ac-unitSo you’ve noticed that your AC system is performing poorly and you go outside to have a look. What you can see without removing any access panels is a big buildup of ice and frost on the copper lines that come out of the unit – not a favorable sight indeed. In extreme cases, there may be a big block of ice that’s formed, preventing the system from working properly. The good news is that an iced-over, frozen-up AC system is pretty simple to address.

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