D'Spain Sales and Service Blog

How to Avoid High Energy Costs this Summer

May 21st, 2018

home-energyIf you’re like most homeowners in our area, you’re probably wondering how to shave costs off your home expenses during the most expensive time of the year. While not as expensive as that new roof you’ve been putting off, taking care of your HVAC system will help you avoid unnecessary energy costs this summer. Every little bit counts.

Well, we’re happy to say that we’ve got a few tips that any homeowner can benefit from. Read on to take advantage!

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Frost in Your Air Conditioning Spells Trouble

May 8th, 2018

air-conditioner-upgradesIf you’ve ever checked your air conditioning system, you may have noticed frost or ice forming on your air conditioning coils. At first glance, this might not seem like a big deal. After all, isn’t your air conditioner supposed to be cold? In point of fact, however, it spells all kinds of trouble for your air conditioner, and if you spot it, you need to turn your system off and call in a repair service as quickly as possible.

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What’s the Difference between Commercial and Residential HVAC?

April 30th, 2018

rooftop-commercial-acEvery building in the area needs to have air conditioning, and that applies to commercial buildings as well as homes and residences. In fact, most of us probably spend the heat of the day in an office or commercial space of some kind (schools count, since they have the same requirements as commercial spaces). That means that commercial HVAC systems need specific care when they run into trouble. You can’t just call a residential AC repair service and expect the results to be the same. Commercial systems differ from residential systems in a number of specific ways. We’ve listed a few of them below.

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How Do Commercial HVAC Systems Differ from Residential Systems?

April 16th, 2018

rooftop-commercial-acEvery building in our part of the world needs a reliable heating and air conditioning system to function. Summer is just too hot and humid to go without reliable air conditioning, making it as much of a necessity as your electricity and plumbing. That applies to commercial space such as offices and retail stores as well as homes. And it should: we spend most of our daytime hours in such spaces, after all, and we need to stay just as comfortable when we work, go shopping, or study our lessons. 

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Indoor Air Quality can Affect Heating Repair Services

April 10th, 2018

heating-repairs-repalcementAnother heating season is drawing to a close, and with it comes the need to assess your heating system and determine the need for repairs. A good maintenance session can be just what you need to catch any lingering issues that may cause a shutdown or similar repairs.

Among the things to keep an eye out for when assessing damage to your system is the presence of high amounts of dust in your air. Dust and dirt are common in our part of the world, and that can have a surprising effect on your heating system. Without preventative care, it can have a huge impact on heating repair services.

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3 Things to Consider with New Air Conditioning Installation

April 2nd, 2018

HVAC-system-installationIf your air conditioner is on its last legs, now is the time to get a new one installed in your home. Spring has officially arrived, and summer won’t be too far behind. Hot temperatures seem to come sooner every year, and often linger well into the fall. If you have an old, worn out air conditioner in your home — one that struggled to do the job last summer and might not be up for another marathon of temperature control — replacing it with a new one can provide a number of benefits.

New air conditioners tend to turn much more efficiently: cutting down on monthly bills, reducing the chances of breakdowns and giving you the peace of mind that comes with reliable service. A good technician can ensure that your new system is functioning as effectively as possible, and ensure that your home is covered for high temperatures the moment the thermostat starts to rise.

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Get Air Conditioning Repairs Before a Breakdown

March 19th, 2018

air-conditioner-upgradesWe’re moving out of heating season and into cooling season, and that means your air conditioning system is going to be put to increasingly frequent use over the next few weeks. Soon enough, you’ll be running it every day in order to keep your home cooling in the face of stifling temperatures, and in order for it to do that, it needs to be in peak running condition. The last thing you need is a sudden AC breakdown just your thermometer clears 100 degrees.

A good air conditioning repair service can move quickly and take care of issues with consideration and care. But frankly, you don’t need to wait for a breakdown to treat an issue with your air conditioner. Jumping on a repair issue early can save you a lot of trouble, and likely a fair bit of money as well.

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Call a Plumbing Service for Leaks and Clogs

March 13th, 2018

plumbing-leaks-clogsLeaks and clogs are the two most common plumbing problems faced by homeowners, and the usual reaction is to simply take care of the problem yourself. Cleansers and snakes are available at any hardware store to deal with clogs, while enterprising do-it-yourselfers might take a stab at repairing plumbing leaks on their own. In most cases, this is a huge mistake, and you would be better off calling in a professional plumber to handle the situation. Why? There are several reasons.

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Schedule Heating Maintenance This Spring

March 5th, 2018

heating-repairs-repalcementWe’ve officially entered the last few weeks of winter, which means we’ll soon be turning off our heating systems and turning on our air conditioners. We strongly recommend scheduling a maintenance session for your heating system sometime soon. The warming weather means you won’t have use of the system for much longer, but you have likely been running your heater quite often in the last few months. That can build up a huge amount of wear and tear, which will eventually lead to a serious breakdown if you’re not careful. A maintenance session is just what the doctor ordered.

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Improve Energy Efficiency with a Heat Recovery Ventilator

February 19th, 2018

comfortable-family-eatingWe get our share of chilly days in this part of the world, and your heating system is absolutely indispensable when it comes to keeping your home warm. But there are additional steps you can take to make sure your home makes the best use of the heat it provides. Added insulation, for instance, means the air in your home will stay warm longer, as will sealing cracks under your door with weather stripping (available at any local hardware store).

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