D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘AC Maintenance’

Airflow Maintenance: Why Air Filters Are So Important for ACs

Monday, March 27th, 2023


Your AC unit has an air filter to catch particles like dust, grit, and pet hair and prevent them from getting into the components of the unit. You can imagine that a motor or a fan would not work as well if it was caked with a layer of lint. But when that layer builds up on the air filter, it needs to be changed. A dirty air filter can be almost as bad for an air conditioner as no air filter at all, because in order to work, your AC unit needs good airflow.

What can happen to your air conditioner if it doesn’t have enough air flowing through it? Once you read about all the potential problems, you’ll be sure to clean your air filter regularly so you can avoid them.

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Set Your AC up for Success this Summer!

Monday, March 30th, 2020

Has your air conditioner steadily but surely been working well for the past few years? Then this probably isn’t the first time you’re worried about how many more years it has before it starts to break down. If it breaks down, you’d be lucky if it didn’t break down on the hottest day of the year.

Well, life doesn’t have to go that way. In fact, there are a few things you can do right now that dramatically decrease the chances of a system breakdown in your air conditioner while making you feel better. You guessed it, we’re talking about AC maintenance in Boerne, TX. This service can make all the difference between a faulty AC system and a unit that is ready for the next season to come.

So, buckle up and get ready, we’re about to take a close and hard look at the condition of your AC.

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4 Tips to Prepare Your AC for Winter

Monday, October 28th, 2019

We love our air conditioners down here in Texas and even though it would be easier to use them all year, that’s not entirely possible. We’ve got to put them away eventually and take out the heaters so we can stay nice and cozy until the warm weather comes back.

Though, did you know that there was a correct way to store your air conditioning unit? Central air conditioners might stay put all-year-round, but they can be damaged and require some extensive service if they aren’t stored properly. HVAC in Boerne, TX isn’t as simple as we’d like to think. A central air conditioner unit just left on its own to brace the winter weather might have some problems when next summer rolls around and the heat comes back.

So, let’s see what you can do to mitigate the damage and keep your AC system in tip-top shape through the winter.

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How to Lower Monthly Cooling Costs

Monday, August 21st, 2017

air-conditioner-upgradesSummers in our neck of the woods are stiflingly hot, and a good air conditioner can be your best friend when it comes to keeping your home cool and comfortable. Indeed, when the temperatures soar during a heat wave, your air conditioner can be as important as your plumbing and electricity, and can prevent active health risks to sensitive family members.

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Why Is My AC Leaking?

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015

Many of our customers have the air handler for their AC in their home’s attic space. This location works for a lot of homeowners for a number of reasons, but it means making sure that you stay very aware of the potential for leaks. While it’s never good to have a leaking air conditioner anywhere, having a leaking AC in your attic can mean a lot of water damage to deal with to your ceiling and walls. What is the main cause of leaking? We’ll discuss this more below.

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