D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Bandera’

Have You Scheduled AC Maintenance?

Monday, March 10th, 2025


Did you notice what’s going on out there in the world? Spring is springing up! The weather is getting lovelier and lovelier. But you know what that means … it’s going to be a surprisingly short time until it gets too hot out there. You’ll need your air conditioner to be ready to go! Did you remember to schedule AC maintenance in Bandera, TX? If not, do that now! Here’s why.

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All the Services Our Plumbing Team Provides

Monday, January 13th, 2025


Have you ever had to call a plumber? If you were to make a list of the things a plumber can do for your home, you would probably come up with some of the basics. But the job of a plumber goes much further than you might realize! What work can plumbers do? We’ll give you a glimpse into the wide range of services our plumbing team can provide. Check it out!

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Signs Your Water Well Needs Help

Monday, August 26th, 2024


A water well is a beautiful way to have a supply of fresh, clean water that hasn’t been treated with chlorine. It can help you be self-sufficient. And in many cases, where municipal water systems are not available, it’s your only option for drinking water! We’re proud to support our neighbors who use water wells, and we’re committed to making sure people are knowledgeable about their wells.

Routine well and pump maintenance is the best thing you can do to ensure that you won’t have to worry about sudden problems occurring that could leave you—literally—high and dry. And if you do spot any well issues, get help promptly.

What are the signs that your water well needs work? Here’s a quick list.

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Solar, Submersible, Booster, Oh My! Types of Water Well Pumps

Monday, April 22nd, 2024


Many people prefer well water because they have total control over it. Things like how often the water is tested for contaminants, what type of treatment it goes through, and whether it contains chemicals like chlorine are entirely up to the homeowner. Some people choose a well because that’s what they grew up with, and it tastes better to them. For others, who live off the grid, a well is the only option.

Whatever your reasons for having a water well, that water doesn’t start where you need it. The aquifers our clean drinking water comes from are underground, and it requires some technology to get it out where we can use it. There are different types of pumps that can be used for well water, and various ways those pumps can be powered. Want to know more? 

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Do You Need a New Water Well Drilled?

Monday, February 26th, 2024


Water is one of those things you might not think much about until you suddenly don’t have it, or the water you have is compromised in quality. If your well is giving you trouble, you need to figure it out right away. Does that mean you need to have a new water well drilled? Maybe not.

There are a variety of things that can go wrong with your well, and some of them do indicate that it’s necessary to stop using the well and drill another. But some of them can be repaired or remedied with no need for new drilling. So let us help you figure it out. What’s going wrong with your well?

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Here’s Why Your Heating System Isn’t Evenly Heating Your Home

Monday, January 1st, 2024


Happy New Year! If you haven’t already, now is the time when you’ll notice if there are problems with your heating system. If you can hear your furnace up and running, that’s a good sign, right? Absolutely! But what if your furnace is running, and you are getting some heat, but not in all parts of your home? Cold spots in your house in January can be utterly miserable.

If some rooms in your home are perfectly cozy and others never quite lose their chill, what’s going on with your heating system? Uneven heating throughout a house can be caused by a variety of things, some of which you can resolve all by yourself. Here’s what you need to know.

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What to Do If Your Toilet Overflows

Monday, November 6th, 2023


An overflowing toilet is one of those worst-case scenarios you hope will never happen to you. Thankfully, most clogged toilets don’t actually overflow, and you’ll be able to use the plunger in peace without contaminated water pouring everywhere. But sometimes, that water just doesn’t stop flowing.

Knowing in advance what to do in this kind of situation can keep you from panicking, and if you don’t panic, you’ll be better able to handle the problem. If your toilet overflows, follow these simple steps to prevent disaster and get your plumbing moving again.

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Reasons to Upgrade Your Home’s Indoor Lighting

Monday, June 19th, 2023


When was the last time you made any major changes to the lighting in your home? Do you still have light fixtures that were in place when you purchased the home, even if they aren’t something you would have personally chosen? Are you still using incandescent bulbs? Do you have enough light in all the rooms in your home? Are you happy with the tone or color of the light in your home?

When you reflect on these questions, if you find that you’re not fully happy with your lighting, the best choice is to work with an electrician to make a better plan. Here are some great reasons to make changes to your home’s lighting, because a fresh, upgraded lighting scheme will provide a wide array of benefits.

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Do I Need a Water Filtration System?

Monday, February 4th, 2019

boy-drinking-waterThe water coming into your home is quite valuable. You depend on it every day for cleaning, cooking, washing, and drinking, so it is important that it remains safe and clean. Sometimes, however, the water entering your home isn’t exactly what you’d expect. Perhaps it has been contaminated, riddled with sediment, or just doesn’t smell quite right. If this is the case, you need a water treatment system.

One way to treat your water is with a water filtration system. When you call for water well services in Bandera, TX, a service technician can test your quality of water to determine if a water filtration system is right for you. In this week’s blog, we have listed some of the signs that suggest that you may need a filtration system. Keep reading below to learn more. 

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Water Wells: When to Worry

Monday, December 24th, 2018

You depend on your water well for clean, usable water, so there is nothing worse than finding out that there is something wrong with your well. Issues with water wells are hard to diagnose, as there are a variety of components where the problem could be occurring. However, there are some definite tell-tale signs that suggest there is a problem with your well.

If you experience any symptoms of a damaged or malfunctioning water well, it is always best to call in a professional who can accurately diagnose and fix the problem. D’Spain Sales & Service offers water well repair in Bandera, TX. Our experts can restore function to your well and help keep it running efficiently and effectively for years to come! Keep reading to find out more about common water well issues.

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