D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Boerne’

Now is the Time for Whole-House Surge Protection

Monday, May 30th, 2016

We live in Boerne, TX, which means that lightning storms and electrical surges are a way of life. Most of us are accustomed to applying a little protection in our homes to keep our expensive electronics safe, particularly entertainment systems, which can cost quite a bit, and computers, which are absolutely essential to functioning in the modern world. But strip plugs are, at best, a stop-gap solution to a long-term problem, and if you’re not careful can soon clutter up your entire home. The solution may be whole-house surge protection, which not only gets rid of the clutter, but can provide a long-term answer to the dangers of electrical surges.

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Signs You Need a New Generator

Monday, May 9th, 2016

Thunderstorms and other issues are common here in Boerne, TX, and while our civic electrical systems are reliable, no one can tell when Mother Nature is going to have the final word. And that assumes that you as a homeowner are on a civic grid. Many of our customers are located in rural areas where the electrical grid doesn’t reach. A reliable generator is your best weapon in these circumstances, and if properly maintained and you stock up on fuel, it can safely see you through any loss of power. Generators wear out, however, and sooner or later even the most reliable one needs to be replaced. You don’t want to discover this fact when the power goes out and your reliable warhorse suddenly leaves you flat. Instead, learn to look for signs that you need a new generator by evaluating its recent performance, along with several other factors that we’ll detail below.

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3 Ways to Improve Your Well Water

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Here in Boerne, TX, a number of residents live off of the civic water system, relying on wells or other private sources to provide water for drinking and cleaning in their households. It’s often the only reliable option for rural residents, but it falls on the homeowner to ensure that the water from their wells or other sources is safe for use. A quality plumbing company can help out with that in a number of ways, both by periodically testing the water to ensure that it’s potable and installing devices to improve your well water. Here are 3 of them for you to consider.

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Schedule a Maintenance Session for Your Air Conditioner

Monday, March 7th, 2016

Have you scheduled a maintenance session for your air conditioner in the last year? If you haven’t, there’s no time like the present. With spring right around the corner, warm weather is well on its way, and you want to ensure that you have a fully functioning air conditioner to keep comfortable. Air conditioner maintenance is essential to avoiding major AC problems in the future.

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Ducted vs. Ductless Heating Systems: What You Need to Know

Monday, February 29th, 2016

As winter comes to an end, you may be wondering if you’ve used your heating system as efficiently as possible here in Boerne, TX. Or perhaps you plan to renovate your home and you are considering an alternative heating system. There are many options out there. The two fundamental types of HVAC systems are ducted and ductless.

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3 Alternatives to Traditional Heating Systems

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

The most common heating system in Kerrville, TX homes is probably the furnace. With proper maintenance, furnaces can last a long time. They are one of the most powerful, cost-effective heating systems available in the residential market today. They are not the only option out there though. While this traditional heating system may work for one home, you may find that another would be a better fit for yours. In a state that experiences cold temperatures for a few short months, it’s only natural that you want to invest in a heating system that will give you the most for your money. We’ve highlighted 3 alternatives to traditional heating systems below.

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The Differences between Furnaces and Ductless Heating Systems

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

Although Boerne, TX is known for its heat, there are still plenty of chilly nights left here this winter. As we near the end of the season, this is a good time to consider if your heating system is right for your needs. When it comes to choosing a heater, you want to keep in mind a few factors: upfront cost, efficiency, and the space available in your home. Below, we look at both centralized heating and ductless heating, reviewing the pros and cons of each system.

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Upgrades to Help Your Heating System

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Winter continues here in Boerne, TX, with cold temperatures and snow continuing to predominate. That means higher heating bills, which can pinch you in your pocketbook even if they provide much-needed comfort from the cold. Thankfully, you can do something to cut those bills down to size. There are numerous ancillary products that can be installed by a trained professional, which will help your heater perform more efficiently. Not only does that cut down on your monthly bills, but it can help your heater last longer, as well as providing a number of additional benefits to your home. Here’s a list of upgrades to help your heating system.

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How to Prepare Your Generator for an Emergency

Monday, February 8th, 2016

Generators can be a great asset to homes off of the electrical grid here in Boerne, TX, and even homes with functioning electricity will benefit from the added security of an in-house generator. But you never know when an emergency is going to strike, and if you can properly prepare your generator for any eventuality, it’s bound to make the process of using it a whole lot easier. Things may be peaceful now, but if you can prepare your generator before problems occur, it will perform that much better when you need it to. Here’re a few tips on how to prepare your generator for an emergency.

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Things You Need If You Use Well Water

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Not every resident of Boerne, TX is connected to our civic water system, and indeed for many rural residents it’s simply not a practical option. Instead, they rely on wells to provide clean, potable water for drinking and cleaning in their homes. There’s a lot of advantages to such as system and sometimes it can be the only practical option. But without the safeguards that a big city provides, you need to provide some of your own in order to ensure that your water is clean and safe. The good news is that a reliable plumbing service can provide you with the things you need if you use well water. We’ll go over a few of the most important ones below.

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