D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Boerne’

A Heat Pump Could Be Perfect for Your Home

Monday, February 17th, 2020

You’ve probably got neighbors and friends that use heat pumps in your area. We hear all the time about homeowners exploring the use of a heat pump precisely because their neighbors or friends just can’t stop talking about them!

Well, today we’re hoping to shine a bit of light on this heating system for those homeowners that are starting to dip their toes into heat pump technology. These systems are exceptionally efficient, run surprisingly well, and also can be a safe alternative to gas furnaces when you start looking at heater repair in Boerne, TX. With heat pumps, you don’t have to worry about the chance of having a carbon monoxide leak because these systems function safely on electricity.

Let’s dig into how heat pumps work and where they could be a huge benefit for you and your family.

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Upgrade Your Home’s Electrical System Today!

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

Your home’s electrical system is vital to your HVAC technology as well as every other piece of equipment you have. From dishwashers, to laundry machines, to refrigerators and everything else that plugs into your circuit board, we’re all seriously dependant on our electrical system. The most important thing we need to get across is that making an electrical upgrade to handle your appliances, new home renovation, or anything else that you’re working on, is never a job for an amateur.

We don’t care how many online searches or videos you’ve watched about how to upgrade your electrical system, it can both be a serious safety concern and it could end up doing more harm than good. That’s why it’s important to contact our team for electrical services in Boerne, TX. We’ve got all the necessary equipment and safety protocols to make sure that you get an energy upgrade hassle-free.

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Trouble with Your Furnace? What You Can Do

Monday, January 20th, 2020

Furnace trouble isn’t unique to our area. In fact, furnaces are some of the most widely used heaters in the country, so we’re pretty sure that a good portion of homeowners have had to deal with furnace issues in the past. That being said, there are two kinds of furnace owners we’d like to talk about: those who take measures to help their furnaces and those who don’t.

If you’re reading this then chances are you are part of the first category, which is definitely a good thing. We’re all about mitigating problems and saving money here. In order to avoid costly heating repair in Boerne, TX you’re going to need to pay close attention to your furnace when trying to understand what’s wrong with it. Homeowners that ignore their furnace’s plights, whether that means cold air, noises, or high heating bills, will find themselves in a worse place every time.

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The Benefits of Working with a Professional Electrician

Monday, January 6th, 2020

For many reasons, homeowners think they can perform more DIY solutions to their electrical systems than to their plumbing or HVAC systems. While we might not understand all of those reasons, we’re nonetheless concerned about this trend. Not only are some electrical problems more complicated and require more training than others, but they can also be much more dangerous when working on them improperly.

Today, we’re going to talk about the importance of utilizing professional electricians in Boerne, TX and how that can prevent problems ranging from minor inconveniences to health and safety concerns. We aren’t just telling you to hire a professional electrician for the heck of it, there are real dangers that can come from working on an electrical system without the proper training, equipment, certifications, and knowhow.

Still not convinced that your DIY electrical project might not be a good idea? Let us explain.

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Don’t Panic, Here’s Everything To Know About Carbon Monoxide

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

If you don’t know what carbon monoxide is, we recommend doing a few internet searches after reading this blog post. While we hope that everyone knows what it is, it’s particularly important that homeowners and gas furnace owners, in particular, know about carbon monoxide, since it can be a threat when a heating system has been neglected.

Carbon monoxide doesn’t have a smell, color, or taste. What it does have, is the ability to cause nausea, memory loss, fatigue, unconsciousness, and even worse terrible side effects on your health if it’s breathed in. If you’ve ever wondered why we call so often for heater repair in Boerne, TX—this is the reason. A neglected furnace, or a furnace that forgoes maintenance even though its got a blocked exhaust pipe or a cracked heat exchanger, will start leaking carbon monoxide if you’re not careful.

So, listen up and take note if any of the following things sound familiar.

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What Generator Is Right for You?

Monday, December 9th, 2019

There are many types of generators on the market today. From whole house generators, to portable generators, to commercial sized generators that can run entire businesses or buildings, there amount of information to take in as a homeowner can be overwhelming, to say the least. That being said, generators are an important system that can save you an incredible amount of hassle and even save your life if you depend on electrically-powered medical equipment.

If you’re looking for help with anything electrical in Boerne, TX then it would be wise to know the difference between the different kinds of generators and the situations they each call for. Whether you’re satisfied with a portable system, or need a state-of-the-art generator that runs on natural gas and can supply power to all of your home appliances, we’ve got you covered.

Just keep reading and we’ll get into the details.

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Give Your Plumbing Affection with Video Pipe Inspection

Monday, November 25th, 2019

Plumbing systems are usually in dark locations that are far away from where you spend most of your time. If you’re wondering why, it’s because nobody really wants to see their plumbing every day. It feels better using a kitchen sink with the belief that your dirty water goes to some magical place to get clean again.

However, that magical place is your plumbing system and it’s not always going to be in good condition!

That’s where we can help with our video pipe inspection. If you’re noticing slow drains or a clog in one of your pipes, there’s no need to guess at what the problem is anymore. When it comes to plumbing in Boerne, TX let the professionals tell you exactly what’s gone wrong and how to fix it.

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Cold Spots in Your Home: How to Deal with Them

Monday, November 11th, 2019

We all know what cold spots are, but what many homeowners mistakenly believe is that they’re normal. Cold spots in your home don’t have to be normal, and in theory, your heater should be able to heat every room in your home equally, no matter how cold it is outside. You might need to seal a drafty window, or perhaps you’ve got failing ductwork, but either way, there is a solution.

Here in Texas, it doesn’t get as cold as it does up north. That means that you’ve got even less of a reason to have any cold spots in your house. If you’re noticing that your heater just can’t equally heat your whole house, then you’re going to want to read on for some tips to deal with these pesky cold spots. We can’t guarantee that the solution to your problem will be free, but we want to remind you that there are solutions out there for cold spots.

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The Best Way to Unclog Your Drain

Monday, September 30th, 2019

What’s that noise? Is that the sound of water filling up the kitchen sink? Or is it a gurgling coming from a toilet that isn’t flushing properly? If you walked into your kitchen or bathroom and discovered a clogged drain, your first reaction would likely be to reach for the quickest solution in the cupboard, probably in the form of a liquid drain cleaner.

If this sounds like what you might do, we urge you to reconsider!

Contrary to popular belief, while liquid drain cleaners can sometimes offer a solution, they truly aren’t worth the trouble they create. Not only will they actually end up harming your plumbing over time, but they can hurt you too!

Keep reading below to learn about the less risky alternative methods to unclog your drains.

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AC Refrigerant: What You Need to Know

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

If you haven’t been paying attention to the world of air conditioners, and if you’ve got a social life you probably haven’t, there have been some major changes to the science and understanding of AC refrigerant. Don’t worry, we’re not here to chastise you for not reading the latest Refrigerants Weekly magazine. We’re your neighborhood HVAC specialist here to give you the facts in case you’re looking at upgrading your air conditioning in Boerne, TX.

You’ve probably heard of the term Freon before. However, you probably haven’t heard about the R-22 phase-out which could impact your AC costs in the near future. Depending on the chemical composition of your air conditioner’s refrigerant, it could be extremely harmful to the environment and end up costing you an extraordinarily large amount of money in the near future. We can make this process as simple and easy to understand as possible, to make your next AC choice an informed one.

So pay close attention!

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