D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Boerne’

Brace for Storms with Whole-House Surge Protection

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Power surges are one of those things that only comes to mind when you’re affected by them. You know the phrase “lightning never strikes twice?” That phrase exists because nobody is ever expecting to be struck by lightning more than once, from just how rare an event it is.

But as anyone in Boerne, TX knows, it’s not just getting struck by lightning that’s the problem. When lightning strikes a power line, breaker box, or your property, it could spell disaster for all your electronic devices. Cheap, store-bought surge protectors can only go so far. What about all your devices that aren’t connected to a power strip? Would you risk them being fried by lightning?

Of course not. Easy enough for you, we offer affordable whole-house surge protection.

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Yes, Your Ductless System Needs Repairs Too

Monday, July 8th, 2019

Owning a ductless system certainly comes with its benefits—these systems are efficient, effective, and can provide year-round comfort with just the flip of a switch! Plus, they take up very little space, making them the perfect fit for homeowners whose homes lack the space for ductwork. But no matter how great your ductless system is, eventually, it is going to require repairs.

Ductless systems come with their own set of unique repair needs, and actually, there are quite a number of issues that your system may face at some point or another. Therefore, we have listed some of these unique repairs for you below. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more. And remember, if you’ve got a problem with your ductless system, do not hesitate to schedule your air conditioning repair in Boerne, TX with a professional!

Okay now, keep reading!

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Say Hello to a Brand New Thermostat!

Monday, June 24th, 2019

smart-thermostatsSummer is on its way, which means that now is the perfect time to start making your summertime shopping list. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Fresh fruit salad
  • Sunscreen
  • Firecrackers
  • Pool noodles
  • Barbeque sauce
  • Ice pops
  • A new thermostat

—Wait, did someone say a new thermostat? That’s right: we did! Installing a brand new thermostat in your home is a great way to enjoy a more comfortable and efficient summer. And in case you are not yet convinced, we have listed just some of the ways upgrading your thermostat will benefit you. Keep reading below to find out more! 

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How a Great Water Softener Can Help You

Monday, May 13th, 2019

water-softenerHard water, what’s that?! How can water be hard?

Okay, okay, you’ve likely heard of hard water before, but do you really know what makes it hard and why it’s so bad? Hard water is basically water with a high concentration of minerals in it, like calcium and magnesium. Now, these minerals are harmless to ingest, so you don’t have to worry about consuming hard water, however, these minerals can pose a serious threat to your plumbing system!

The best way to minimize the effects of hard water is to have a water softener installed in your home. In fact, there are plenty of benefits of having one of these systems installed, and below, we’ve listed just some of the ways a great water softener can help you! All you have to do is keep reading to find out more!

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Is it Time to Say ‘Goodbye’ to Your Old AC?

Monday, April 15th, 2019

cooling-off-with-fanWe understand that saying goodbye isn’t always easy. However, sometimes saying goodbye is good and much-needed, and this is especially the case if you are operating an older or outdated air conditioning system. Let’s face it: summer here in Texas is quite hot and you deserve to own a system that is going to keep you and your family cool and comfortable all season long. Besides, you have plenty of other things to worry about during the summer, like finding the best ice cream shop in town.

Of course, only a professional HVAC technician can determine whether or not it is time to replace your AC. But in the meantime, we’ve listed some of the signs that it is time for a replacement. Keep reading below to find out more. 

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Beware of These AC Repairs

Monday, April 1st, 2019

outdoor-ac-unitCongratulations, Texans! We made it through yet another mild, but chilly winter! This means that summer is well underway, and already, temperatures have been climbing well into the 70s! Surely, we can expect to be turning on our air conditioners sometime soon, and perhaps many of you already have. You depend on your AC all summer long to keep you and your family cool and comfortable, but what happens when something goes wrong?

Every now and again, your AC is going to require repairs. Scheduling your AC repair at the first sign of an issue is the best way to prevent further problems from developing, so it is important to be aware of some of the most common issues ACs experience over the summer. Below, we have listed just some of the issues you may notice when you turn your system on this summer. Keep reading to find out more. 

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Why Should I Consider Zone Control?

Monday, February 18th, 2019

ductless-heatpumpLet’s face it: we are all looking for ways to save a few extra bucks each month. In fact, if there is one thing that you’ll often hear HVAC technicians talk about it is energy efficiency and why it is so important. When your home is energy efficient, you’ll spend less time worrying about costly repairs and high energy bills. Of course, winter here in Texas is anything but harsh. However, it is still important to ensure that your HVAC system is as efficient as possible. So, how do you do so?

There are many ways to boost energy efficiency, one of which is to take control of the ways in which you heat and cool your home. A zone control system grants homeowners ultimate control over their heating and cooling systems, increasing efficiency and lowering monthly utility costs. In this week’s blog, we have outlined some of the many advantages of installing a zone control system in your home. Keep reading below to learn more! 

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Why Is My Heater Starting and Stopping So Frequently?

Monday, November 26th, 2018

gloved-handsDo you think that “good enough” is good enough when it comes to the way in which your home heating system operates? If so, think again! You, like any other homeowner, deserve the best performance possible from your home heating system. That simply won’t be your experience, however, if your heater is short cycling. What does short cycling mean? That your system is starting up and shutting back down too frequently. What does it mean for your heater?

That is a question that we’ll explore further in today’s post. Short cycling may seem like a minor annoyance at first, but trust us when we say that it is a problem that you want to be resolved as soon as possible. While not every circumstance leading to short cycling is terribly serious, there are some causes of the problem that pose a real threat. Not only that, but the short cycling itself can lead to the need for further heating repair in Boerne if you’re not careful!

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3 Reasons to Call Your Plumber

Monday, October 29th, 2018

woman-plungingWe get it. You’re not going to be calling our plumbers just to check up on them. And that’s fine. We know that you appreciate us, but it’s just not that kind of relationship. That being said, we are going to take issue if you’re not calling us when the need for a plumber arises. And after today’s post, “Well, I didn’t realize that I really needed to call a professional plumber” will no longer be a valid excuse!

When you need a plumber in Boerne, you know that ours is the number to dial. The only problem is that many homeowners don’t seem to know when they need a plumber in Boerne! For some reason, a lot of people that would never attempt to service their electrical systems are still trying to service their own plumbing—or, at least, to ignore signs of trouble. We say no more! Read on, and remember that a member of our plumbing team will fix the problem right the first time.

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Heating Repairs: Symptoms to Be Aware Of

Monday, October 15th, 2018

chilly-manWe’re just barely out of the hottest time of the year, and these people want us to start thinking not only about our heaters, but what might go wrong with them? Give us a break, will you?

Look, we get it. We are not alarmists, and our goal certainly isn’t to work you up into a state of paranoia about what could potentially go wrong with your heating system this coming winter season. That being said, well—there’s a lot that could go wrong!

Because it is always going to be in your best interest to schedule heating repairs in Boerne, TX as soon as you notice the need for them, we’ve put together some helpful tips to help you recognize the need for this service to begin with! Keep your sense on high alert, and let a member of our team know right away if you suspect that your heating system is in trouble. Our goal is to keep you warm and cozy efficiently and reliably all winter long.

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