D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Boerne’

Signs You Need an Electrician

Monday, December 11th, 2017

electrical-power-troublesYour home’s electrical system is arguably the most important part of it. Without it, modern life simply isn’t possible, as it’s required for everything from lights to heat to your computer system to your water heater and everything in between. When problems arise, it’s not just a matter of comfort or luxury. It can bring you home to a standstill, and possibly even create a safety issue as well.

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Packaged HVAC Units Provide Many Benefits

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

rooftop-commercial-acA packaged HVAC unit is a unit that places all of the components of your HVAC system in a single unit. This differs from the more common and popular split HVAC systems, which divide components between indoor and outdoor systems. You often see packaged HVAC units on the roof of commercial properties, and most of the time, packaged units are exposed to the elements. That can make them more vulnerable to wear and tear, and damage (when it arises) tends to be more extensive than it might with a more traditional unit. That said, there are still a number of benefits for packaged HVAC units, and if you’re thinking of installing one, you would do well to consider them. They can include, but are not limited to, the following:

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Commercial Air Conditioning Services Differ from Residential Services

Monday, October 16th, 2017

rooftop-commercial-acEvery building in the area requires proper air conditioning, and that applies to commercial businesses as well as residences. If you own a business in the area or are charged with managing a business space, you need to ensure that your air conditioning system does the job. With the summer over and autumn underway, it’s likely time to get your air conditioner serviced and check for any problems that may have developed over our long, hot summers.

When you do that, make sure you call a service that deals with commercial systems specifically, instead of someone who knows only residential systems. Why? in the shortest possible terms, because commercial systems differ tremendously.

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3 Qualities of a Reliable AC Repair Service

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

air-conditioning-maintenanceFall is the season for air conditioning repair in this part of the world. Temperatures are finally lowering to the point where you no longer need your system every day to keep cool, and any lingering problems you may have been forced to wait on can now be handled safely. If your air conditioner has been acting strange, you should immediately turn it off and call for a repair service. Now that the cooling season is over, a maintenance session can be performed to correct any damage that may have taken place over the summer. But which service do you call?

Every HVAC service can provide the basics, but you want one that’s going to not only correct the problem the right way, but will do so in the most effective manner possible. Ultimately, only you can determine which service will do the best job for you. However, there are a few qualities you can look for that will help you separate the best from the also-rans.

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Proper Sizing of New HVAC Units Is Important

Monday, September 18th, 2017

HVAC-system-installationSeptember and October are great times for installing a new HVAC system. With cooler temperatures, your air conditioner likely won’t be needed, but the heating system won’t require regular use either. That provides a nice window to determine the specifics of your new system and perform an installation session: leaving you ready for the winter without having to sacrifice the cool air from the air conditioner in the summer. 

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Signs that You Need Central AC Repair

Monday, September 4th, 2017

air-conditioning-repairWe’re getting to the end of air conditioning season, but we still have a few weeks of warm weather to go. The last thing you want to deal with is a breakdown at the end of cooling season. Sadly, breakdowns tend to take place more often at this time of year, when your AC has been running for months on end and little issues have had a chance to grow.

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Commercial HVAC Services Need to Move Quickly

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

rooftop-commercial-acLate summers in Texas are very hot, and whenever the air conditioner in a home goes down, it needs to be restored to service quickly. As serious as residential HVAC repair calls are, however, commercial HVAC repair calls are even more important: not only to be handled correctly, but to be dealt with as swiftly as possible.

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Problems with Your Ducts Can Be Serious

Monday, July 10th, 2017

The ducts in your central heating and air conditioning system serve to move conditioned air (cool in the summer and warm in the winter) from the main unit to the various corners of your home. Most of the time, those ducts do their job without complaint. In some cases, however, problems can occur. When they do, they can be a serious issue, and while it might not sound like much, it can develop into a very expensive repair call.

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A Storage Tank on Your Property Can Make a Big Difference

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

water-down-drainRural Texas residents must often account for their own water supply and other key factors to a functional home. Civic water systems simply won’t extend that far into the country, leaving rural residents to rely on wells and other private sources. This is in keeping with that Texas spirit of rugged independence, and our team is ready to help ensure that your home has everything it needs to make it as self-sufficient as possible.

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3 Ways to Lower Air Conditioning Costs This Summer

Monday, April 17th, 2017

family-in-front-of-houseSummer is on its way, and temperatures in our neck of the woods are already climbing. Soon enough, you’ll be running your air conditioning system every day, and that invariably means paying higher monthly energy costs. But just because you’re paying more to run your AC this summer, that doesn’t mean you should pay more than is necessary. By improving your home’s energy efficiency, you can cut into those bills while still maintaining comfortable temperatures for your family to enjoy.

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