If you don’t know what carbon monoxide is, we recommend doing a few internet searches after reading this blog post. While we hope that everyone knows what it is, it’s particularly important that homeowners and gas furnace owners, in particular, know about carbon monoxide, since it can be a threat when a heating system has been neglected.
Carbon monoxide doesn’t have a smell, color, or taste. What it does have, is the ability to cause nausea, memory loss, fatigue, unconsciousness, and even worse terrible side effects on your health if it’s breathed in. If you’ve ever wondered why we call so often for heater repair in Boerne, TX—this is the reason. A neglected furnace, or a furnace that forgoes maintenance even though its got a blocked exhaust pipe or a cracked heat exchanger, will start leaking carbon monoxide if you’re not careful.
So, listen up and take note if any of the following things sound familiar.