D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘furnace repair’

Is Your Heater Short Cycling?

Monday, December 16th, 2024


How can you tell when there’s a problem with your heating system? You’ll want to get repairs straightaway, so you need to notice heating issues as soon as possible. What are the signs? You might notice an unusual odor or a sudden sound. You might find that there’s not enough airflow from your vents, or the air is coming through cold. You might even spot an unexplained increase in your utility bills.

There’s another issue with heating systems that might be a little harder to spot. It’s called short cycling, and it can be caused by a few different things. If you don’t have your short cycling heater repaired, more serious issues will develop! Here’s what you need to know.

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Furnace Maintenance Prevents Furnace Breakdowns

Monday, October 21st, 2024


Happy fall! It’s time to get ready for the weather to get chillier and chillier. Are you prepared?

One of the things that should be high on your list of autumn priorities is furnace maintenance. There are so many reasons to have this done. It can help you avoid all kinds of problems. Perhaps most importantly, especially during the severe cold snaps we sometimes have here, furnace maintenance can prevent your furnace from breaking down.

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These 3 Sounds Mean Your Furnace Might Need Repair

Monday, February 27th, 2023


Oh, no! What’s that noise? Is there a problem with the furnace? Many issues that furnaces encounter do cause them to make unusual noises. Hearing a strange sound is often the first sign a homeowner gets that it is time to schedule furnace repair.

We’ll go over three of the most important things to listen for.

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4 Signs That Your Furnace Is Struggling

Monday, December 5th, 2022


As you think about using your furnace for the first time this winter, you might be concerned about whether it’s working as well as it should be. It’s common to be unfamiliar with the signs of a furnace in need of repair, so it can be helpful to learn about how your furnace tells you that it’s in trouble.

First, there are two things that you can do to lower your chances of encountering furnace problems, so before you get cozy and settled for the winter, you should do these tasks.

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The Trouble With a Neglected Furnace Issue

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

Lots of issues can crop up in a furnace. From electrical problems to ignition issues, to gas leaks or overheating… There’s really no limit to the number of problems a furnace can have. Thankfully, with a licensed professional like the ones on our team by your side, most of those problems can be easily taken care of in a simple repair appointment. Most furnaces only encounter a handful of problems in their lifetimes, so you really don’t need to worry about all of the ones we listed.

However, when your furnace does encounter a problem, it’s important that you gauge how important it is. If you think it’s a small issue that can be fixed in a few months, it could get worse and lead to a broken-down system in the middle of the winter. We want to talk about the problem with delayed furnace repair in Bulverde.

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The Problem with Improperly Sized Heaters

Monday, February 1st, 2021

How big is your heater? No, hold on—don’t just go measure it and report back to us how many square feet it takes up. While that definitely matters in the measurement of your heater, it’s not the whole story. Heaters need to be able to adequately heat an entire home, and that means a specific model should have been installed in your home that’s able to heat the volume of air inside. This measurement of volume before setting a heater up is known as load calculation.

If you had your heater installed by a less-than-perfect heating professional, or even in the case that you installed your heater yourself (which we absolutely do not recommend), this step could have been missed and you could be dealing with a heater that’s too large or small. Do you need furnace repair in Boerne? Or perhaps you might need a whole system replacement?

Let’s figure out the solution to your problem.

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What’s That Smell?

Monday, October 26th, 2020

It’s furnace season! While many homeowners utilize electric heating solutions, the vast majority of homes in the United States use natural-gas powered furnaces. This is good news, since gas-burning furnaces are becoming increasingly efficient and effective at keeping homes comfortable during the coldest of winters.

So, let’s say you just dusted off your heater and turned it on—only to be greeted with some rank smell. What does that mean? Should you panic? Well, when you’ve got the experts on the case for furnace service in Boerne, there’s no need to panic.

We’re going to talk about all of the things that a bad-smelling furnace could signify, and if they’re dangerous or potentially harmful, we’ll be sure to let you know. If you’re concerned about the safety of your home, make sure you call our team or the fire department to ensure that safety is the number one priority!

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Trouble with Your Furnace? What You Can Do

Monday, January 20th, 2020

Furnace trouble isn’t unique to our area. In fact, furnaces are some of the most widely used heaters in the country, so we’re pretty sure that a good portion of homeowners have had to deal with furnace issues in the past. That being said, there are two kinds of furnace owners we’d like to talk about: those who take measures to help their furnaces and those who don’t.

If you’re reading this then chances are you are part of the first category, which is definitely a good thing. We’re all about mitigating problems and saving money here. In order to avoid costly heating repair in Boerne, TX you’re going to need to pay close attention to your furnace when trying to understand what’s wrong with it. Homeowners that ignore their furnace’s plights, whether that means cold air, noises, or high heating bills, will find themselves in a worse place every time.

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Why Is My Heater Starting and Stopping So Frequently?

Monday, November 26th, 2018

gloved-handsDo you think that “good enough” is good enough when it comes to the way in which your home heating system operates? If so, think again! You, like any other homeowner, deserve the best performance possible from your home heating system. That simply won’t be your experience, however, if your heater is short cycling. What does short cycling mean? That your system is starting up and shutting back down too frequently. What does it mean for your heater?

That is a question that we’ll explore further in today’s post. Short cycling may seem like a minor annoyance at first, but trust us when we say that it is a problem that you want to be resolved as soon as possible. While not every circumstance leading to short cycling is terribly serious, there are some causes of the problem that pose a real threat. Not only that, but the short cycling itself can lead to the need for further heating repair in Boerne if you’re not careful!

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