D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘furnace service’

Make Sure You Know These Important Furnace Safety Tips

Monday, December 4th, 2023


Having a working furnace is absolutely critical for your safety during the winter. But if you don’t take any precautions, running a furnace can pose safety hazards. How can you stay warm all winter and also stay safe? Follow these furnace safety tips for both gas and electric heating systems.

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Invest in a Furnace Inspection Today

Monday, January 17th, 2022

Furnaces require maintenance just like any other heating system, but when you’ve got a gas furnace, there’s one additional aspect you need to consider. Safety is always the first priority, but it’s something you’re going to want to remember each year when you go to turn on your system for the first time, or start investigating a problem.

Don’t get us wrong, gas furnaces aren’t dangerous. They’re designed with safety measures in place so that they can easily heat your home without problems. And, to make matters better, they’ve got protocols to shut down whenever a safety issue does come up. But things can go wrong, especially after years of neglect and missed maintenance or repairs, and your furnace could start operating unsafely.

That’s why you need to invest in an inspection. This is the furnace service in Boerne, TX that will set things right for the rest of the year.

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What’s That Smell?

Monday, October 26th, 2020

It’s furnace season! While many homeowners utilize electric heating solutions, the vast majority of homes in the United States use natural-gas powered furnaces. This is good news, since gas-burning furnaces are becoming increasingly efficient and effective at keeping homes comfortable during the coldest of winters.

So, let’s say you just dusted off your heater and turned it on—only to be greeted with some rank smell. What does that mean? Should you panic? Well, when you’ve got the experts on the case for furnace service in Boerne, there’s no need to panic.

We’re going to talk about all of the things that a bad-smelling furnace could signify, and if they’re dangerous or potentially harmful, we’ll be sure to let you know. If you’re concerned about the safety of your home, make sure you call our team or the fire department to ensure that safety is the number one priority!

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