D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Plumbing’

Give Your Plumbing Affection with Video Pipe Inspection

Monday, November 25th, 2019

Plumbing systems are usually in dark locations that are far away from where you spend most of your time. If you’re wondering why, it’s because nobody really wants to see their plumbing every day. It feels better using a kitchen sink with the belief that your dirty water goes to some magical place to get clean again.

However, that magical place is your plumbing system and it’s not always going to be in good condition!

That’s where we can help with our video pipe inspection. If you’re noticing slow drains or a clog in one of your pipes, there’s no need to guess at what the problem is anymore. When it comes to plumbing in Boerne, TX let the professionals tell you exactly what’s gone wrong and how to fix it.

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The Best Way to Unclog Your Drain

Monday, September 30th, 2019

What’s that noise? Is that the sound of water filling up the kitchen sink? Or is it a gurgling coming from a toilet that isn’t flushing properly? If you walked into your kitchen or bathroom and discovered a clogged drain, your first reaction would likely be to reach for the quickest solution in the cupboard, probably in the form of a liquid drain cleaner.

If this sounds like what you might do, we urge you to reconsider!

Contrary to popular belief, while liquid drain cleaners can sometimes offer a solution, they truly aren’t worth the trouble they create. Not only will they actually end up harming your plumbing over time, but they can hurt you too!

Keep reading below to learn about the less risky alternative methods to unclog your drains.

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How a Great Water Softener Can Help You

Monday, May 13th, 2019

water-softenerHard water, what’s that?! How can water be hard?

Okay, okay, you’ve likely heard of hard water before, but do you really know what makes it hard and why it’s so bad? Hard water is basically water with a high concentration of minerals in it, like calcium and magnesium. Now, these minerals are harmless to ingest, so you don’t have to worry about consuming hard water, however, these minerals can pose a serious threat to your plumbing system!

The best way to minimize the effects of hard water is to have a water softener installed in your home. In fact, there are plenty of benefits of having one of these systems installed, and below, we’ve listed just some of the ways a great water softener can help you! All you have to do is keep reading to find out more!

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Call a Plumbing Service for Leaks and Clogs

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

plumbing-leaks-clogsLeaks and clogs are the two most common plumbing problems faced by homeowners, and the usual reaction is to simply take care of the problem yourself. Cleansers and snakes are available at any hardware store to deal with clogs, while enterprising do-it-yourselfers might take a stab at repairing plumbing leaks on their own. In most cases, this is a huge mistake, and you would be better off calling in a professional plumber to handle the situation. Why? There are several reasons.

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Contact the Right Service for Water Well Drilling

Monday, January 8th, 2018

If yowell-water-drillingu live in the city, water for your plumbing system likely arrives via municipal water lines. But our part of the world has a lot of rural homes, and in those cases, other options must be found. Without a reservoir or standing water supply nearby, your best option is usually drilling for well water, then setting up the proper lines and connections to your home. That’s a complicated and potentially difficult process, though the results can give your home the fresh water and reliable self-sufficiency that homes in our part of the world sometimes require. In those cases, you want to make sure you contact the right plumbing service to handle the job the right day.

Finding the Spot

Unless there’s surface water visible, drilling for a well means finding the location of any underground water on your property (or nearby if you belong to a water-sharing collective). That means taking a careful survey of the land to find potential spots. This can be aided immeasurably by using computerized surveying equipment, which can detect the presence of groundwater with uncanny accuracy and show you just where to dig. It can also determine the depth of the dig needed to reach it and other such information which allows you to make proper plans with all the details in place.

The Dig

The dig itself utilizes a drill, which must be rented as part of the process. Dig times may vary, depending on the depth of the well and the type of rock in the ground above it. Once the well is dug, the technicians will examine it carefully to determine the well’s depth (a simple matter of using a measuring line in most cases) and yield (the amount of gallons per minute it can deliver), as well as seeing how far the water level dropped and how quickly it was restored to its original level. The water itself will be tested to ensure their no contaminants or other concerns, and the well will be capped.

The Lines

Once the well is dug, lines themselves need to be run from your new well to any homes that intend to make use of it. In many cases, that will include the installation of water purifiers, water softeners, and other devices designed to keep impurities out of your home’s water supply. Those devices will need to be periodically serviced and tested so that they continue to function efficiently. Furthermore, the well itself will need to be regularly tested for the presence of bacteria or contaminants that may not have been present the when you initially dug for the well.

With the right team on your side, your new well can be dug and provide service to you and your family for generations. The friendly pros at D’Spain Sales & Service Inc. can perform well drilling and well water testing in Bandera, TX, as well as provide a host of related plumbing services. Call on us today and let us show you what we can do.

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A Storage Tank on Your Property Can Make a Big Difference

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

water-down-drainRural Texas residents must often account for their own water supply and other key factors to a functional home. Civic water systems simply won’t extend that far into the country, leaving rural residents to rely on wells and other private sources. This is in keeping with that Texas spirit of rugged independence, and our team is ready to help ensure that your home has everything it needs to make it as self-sufficient as possible.

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The Benefits of Rain Water Collection

Monday, May 1st, 2017

storm-lightning-strikeWe deal with a lot of rural clients in our part of Texas, most of which rely on well water or similar sources for their water supply. That can work well, and enterprising homeowners know how to keep such plumbing systems maintained. But wells are subject to the forces of drought and groundwater contamination far more than civic water supplies.

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Get Private Wells Tested Today

Monday, March 20th, 2017

Techs_and_Plumbers_dreamstime_xl_19839339-meWe live in a rural part of the state, which means that many homes in the area operate off of the civic water and electrical systems. Instead, they get their water from private wells and other sources. It’s a practical necessity – you can’t simply run piping thirty miles to a single home – and usually works quite well for meeting your home water needs. Private wells do mean you need to keep them maintained yourself, however, and in those circumstances, a good plumber can be your best friend.

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How to Prevent Freezing Pipes

Monday, October 17th, 2016

With cold temperatures comes a whole new host of potential issues for your Boerne, TX home. That can include freezing water in your pipes, which will clog up the plumbing system at best and could result in burst pipes at worst. Burst pipes can be particularly damaging if they occur while you are away for the holidays, and could go for days or weeks before being detected. Now is the perfect time to prepare for freezing pipes, and make sure they don’t bedevil you this winter.

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Improve Your Self-Sufficiency with Upgrades to Your Plumbing

Sunday, June 12th, 2016

Bandera, TX is full of independent folks, like a lot of places in our great state. We come from a long line of frontiersmen, and self-sufficiency is something we pride ourselves on. Believe it or not, that can translate to specific aspects of your household, such as the plumbing and electrical systems. If you get your water from a private well or similar source off of the civic water system, there are a number of things you can do to help maintain that independence. We’ve broken down a couple of them for your perusal below.

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