D'Spain Sales and Service Blog : Posts Tagged ‘VRV air conditioning’

Understanding VRV and VRF Air Conditioning Systems

Monday, May 20th, 2024


It often takes some time to get through the process of deciding you need to replace your air conditioner, researching your options, determining what system you want to get, and having it installed. That’s why we recommend that you plan to replace your air conditioner before it completely fails during a heat wave, leaving you to rush through this process and potentially end up less than thrilled with your choice.

While you’re doing your research about what your AC replacement options are, you’re probably running into a lot of terms and having to learn about the differences between them—ducted or ductless, AC or heat pump, etc. A couple of acronyms you might have spotted are VRV and VRF. What’s unique about these types of air conditioners? Here’s what you should know.

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